R level 1

Thursday, November 17
9:30am–12:30pm Pacific Time

This course will start at 9:30am Pacific Time and will run until 12:30pm Pacific Time.

Course materials will be added here shortly before the start of the course.

There is a single free registration for the entire autumn school.

R is a free and open-source programming language for statistical computing, modelling, and graphics, with an unbeatable collection of statistical packages. It is extremely popular in some academic fields such as statistics, biology, bioinformatics, data mining, data analysis, and linguistics.

This introductory course does not assume any prior knowledge: it is aimed at setting the foundations on which more advanced courses will build later in the year.

Instructor: Marie-Helene Burle (SFU)

Prerequisites: None.

Software: We will provide an RStudio server on a training cluster, so you don’t need to install anything on your computer.

9:30am-12:30am Pacific
Opening session
R: why and for whom?
R: the basics
The tidyverse
Writing efficient R code